Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Change your view

Down-dog, shoulder stands, hand-stands, head-stands...the list of inversions goes on and on. Why do them? That list can go on and on too, but how about these benefits to get you started; besides being fun :-) inversions help stimulate your metabolism aiding in the regulation of weight. That's probably enough to flip some people upside-down. While in an inversion you are bringing an influx of blood to the brain and heart resulting in improved memory, creativity, soothing the nervous system and strengthening the heart.

Talk with your yoga instructor before attempting any inversion. There are many forms and props to assist you. Make sure it is a safe time and environment in which to do them. With the guidance of an experienced instructor, you will enjoy yourself while benefiting your body. Have fun!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you all enjoy your day with family and friends or in personal reflection. Shanti

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Now is the perfect time!

Ahhh, the holidays are here; the time for giving, being with family and friends, hoping you can get to the store before it closes for that last minute item. What about you? Are you putting your yoga practice on hold because you're "too busy"? Are you waiting to begin practice until after the holidays? Ask yourself this; am I really that unimportant that I will prioritize a can of green beans above myself? Don't lose sight of why you are practicing or want to practice yoga; to balance your mind, body and spirit. Stay true to your practice. Sign up for that session you've been considering. Ring in the New Year with less stress and more balance.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

What's Your Style?

During a recent session, I changed from a Hatha focus to a Vinyasa Flow. My clients were amply prepared and quite receptive. Note: beginner practitioners should not attempt Vinyasa Flow as there is a greater risk for injury. They provided positive feedback following the class so this is an avenue we will explore again. With so many forms of yoga asanas available today, traditional and non-traditional, there is certainly one that appeals to each personality. Explore your options; find out what works best for you. A world of yoga ranging from Hatha to Couples to Power Yoga is waiting for you! Come join us!

Friday, November 9, 2007


There are times I have difficulty grounding into a position, thus balancing. I have been told that thin people are ruled by the element of air and we naturally don't want to ground (I don't quite know how to take that). I tend to over-pronate when attempting balance poses like Warrior III. Suggestions? And no, I don't do the pose on the table ;-)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Yoga & Multi-tasking

Yoga is much more than asanas (poses); it is a way of life. I continue to learn as my experience grows. One point I am gaining clarity on is how the western way of multi-tasking, this quality so many of us pride ourselves on (guilty) is so far out of line with the teachings of yoga. How many times have you checked your email while eating, talked on the phone while making dinner, blogged, IM'd and text all at once (ha! gotcha!)? I am so accustomed to multi-tasking, I do it in my sleep! Sure, we all look to our sessions for that moment of stress relief, but what about the other 23 hours? Our challenge is this; when you eat, eat, when you work, work, when you love, love. And when you practice yoga, be fully present in the moment and practice. Good vibes to all of you on your journey!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Balance…yoga brings balance into your life. The point is not about achieving the perfect pose; it’s about balancing the mind, body and spirit. Yoga feeds the body from the inside out and when you are really good (absolutely in the moment) you can experience a separation from the physical body. I call these my “yoga moments”. You cannot force them. They simply happen when you release…

Focus on your practice, focus on you. Feed yourself from the inside out. At the end of the day, love the person who grabs the blankets & curls up with the pillows to head off to fantasy land. Sweet dreams…

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Show me the money!

An article I recently read really hit home. It discussed the fact that most yoga instructors are broke (I can attest to that!) and have to hold down "real jobs" to pay the bills in order do what they truly love, teach yoga. If you ask them, according to the article, most will say money is not important (obviously they didn't ask me). The discussion circled around if we are honoring the yamas and niyamas if we focus on making money through teaching. Can we be spiritual and still make money? A point was made that some of the most successful yoga instructors of our time our also quite wealthy because of their teaching. Here's my two cents (ha!); we should all be able to make a comfortable living by following our passion, be it teaching yoga or building houses. Spirituality comes from within; being able to pay my bills on time is not going to change the essence of who I am.

I wish you all huge success!

The Power of Yoga

This link was shared with me & I must pass it on. Enjoy, learn, share.