Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Yes, chanting. When I first began practicing yoga, I thought "the chanting part" was kind-of weird. It's ok. Give yourself time to open up to the idea. If you are in a class and they are chanting and you don't feel comfortable, simply listen. Feel the vibrations and at some point you may find it turns into music. The point is to help you focus, to prepare you for meditation, to turn the outside world off. Here is one for you to try on your own:

OM NAMAH SHIVYA (pronounced:aum nahmah shi vi ya)
Generally translated it means "I bow to Shiva, the Inner Self or Consciousness" further translating to "I bow to my inner self". It is a very powerful mantra. You are honoring who you are and that which you are capable to become. Many miracles have come to individuals after this chant. Who knows. I would love to hear your stories. ***Never chant a mantra without full understanding of its meaning. Shanti


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