Monday, May 12, 2008

"But it's easy"

I had an encounter today. I received a compliment on my arms and was asked what I do. "I teach yoga". "But that's easy!" I laughed & sent her to my blog. Anyone who has held Warrior2 so long that their legs begin to shake; successfully performs a one legged side-plank, crow, or even tree pose will attest to the fact that easy is not the first adjective which comes to mind. Yoga is a balance of the mind, body & spirit...a challenge which takes years of practice.

Feel free to express your opinion here. Pictures & descriptive instructions of the afore mentioned poses coming soon.




At July 3, 2008 at 10:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks yoga is easy, clearly hasn't tried it! Yoga is an amazing, challenging workout and I recommend it to everyone! You will sweat, you will use muscles you didn't think existed and you will feel great, just don't put it down before you've done it.


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